
I am primarily interested in understanding how the human brain represents numbers and computes arithmetic operations. I believe studying these questions will provide more general insights into how information is encoded and manipulated in neural circuits, and more specifically help to improve learning and instruction of mathematics. My current research aims to characterise the neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlying the encoding of sets of objects (numerosities) from multiple levels of explanation: (1) small populations of neurons using high-resolution neuroimaging (7 Tesla fMRI), (2) patterns of gaze shifts (eye-tracking), and (3) distributions of response times/accuracies (behavioural experiments).

Recently I have also begun research into Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD), a condition characterised by persistent visual hallucinations and/or perceptual distortions following the use of hallucinogenic or psychedelic drugs. You can read more about this work here.

More broadly, I am interested in questions related to measurement and developmental theory (computational modelling, latent clustering), as well as integrating open-source mobile/touch/peripheral technologies into my research.

Outside the lab I enjoy running, working on hobby hardware projects, and good humor.